Sunday, August 20, 2006

The days are counting down and the closer it gets the more I realize how many relationships I have that I will miss like crazy during our stay in Costa Rica. Phil and I have been blessed by families and friends both through The Bridge Evangelical Free Church of Fresno, and First Presbyterian Church in Fresno, as well as our congregation in Clarksburg, that have lately more than ever shown us how much they love and support us; in life and in marriage. There are certain relationships that you are blessed to have and they are hard to come by or create on your own. When God builds friendships there is a remarkable difference in the closeness and the love that you feel, and Phil and I are thankful to have felt it in Fresno as well as in Sacramento. My prayer for us is that God would bring other couples and families along side us in Costa Rica that can minister to us, and us to them, in a similar way. God is faithful and I look forward to the relationships that will be made over this next year. All of this is said with the realization that we have been extremely blessed through everyone reading this blog up until this point. God had brought along side some amazing families and friends. You have taught us wisdom and have encouraged us in so many ways. We are thankful for our friends.

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