Sunday, June 03, 2007

We're Still Here

I am sorry that is has been a while since we have posted. It definitely is not because there is a lack of blogging fodder. Our internet has been a little sketchy this past month but I think the worst is over now. Also as mentioned in our email update, we have started our Short Term Team season and boy does that get busy. It is basically a week of 15 hour days. We have three teams back to back coming up. It will be exciting, intense, and probably a little frustrating, but we are looking forward to the challenge.

Great news! Shannon and I are celebrating our 3rd year anniversary on Tuesday. I can't believe it's going to be 3 years. I feel like this woman is so a part of me that I wasn't really living 5 years ago, before I met her. It has been an amazing three years and I can say I am a better person today than I was three years ago.

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