Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Spanish Bull makes it to Costa Rica

The Spanish Bull is the shirt I'm wearing. My brother bought it for me when he was in Spain. At times it has been my lucky shirt (my guy's know what I'm talking about) and at times it's been a reminder to me to get out and see the world. So of course I had to bring it to Costa Rica. This is a picture of Shannon and I at the very top of the mountain our house sits on. This land is actually owned by our neighbors Martin and Madeline (who also own the Viewpoint Hotel). We took this picture the second day we were at Hone Creek.

Now, Lance Grush, the Missionary we are held accountable to, is here and we are showing him around. More importantly we are having those late night discussions that help form your understanding and world view. One question we have been discussing, I would like to ask all those who read this blog. "What IS missions?" I would love to hear your response via posting a comment at the bottom of this blog entry.

As we learn from our experiences we hope that any understanding gained can be shared. Thanks for reading and keeping us posted on what is happening at home.

Sharing the experience,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long live the spanish bull shirt!
- Bryan